Accessibility Plan

This policy is presented in HTML to support accessibility needs and to work across multiple platforms. A full PDF copy is also available below.
Date Approved - March 2024
Approved By - Academy Council
Review Frequency - Yearly
Date of Next Review - March 2025
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


Accessibility Plan

Area: Explanation: School Response:
Physical Environment Changes: that need to be made to the building to ensure that our pupils and students are guaranteed full access. Currently 95% of the buildings are accessible to wheelchair users.  Adaptations to the rest of the building or for other disabilities (e.g. hearing, vision) will be made on an individual case / needs-led basis, as determined by admissions.
Curriculum Resources: Items that need to be bought or adapted to guarantee full access. Programme of resource purchasing to meet individual need as it arises.
Planning: the way in which the curriculum is organised to guarantee full access for all pupils (e.g. class groupings room allocations, timings, etc.,). Ongoing meeting of needs in all bases in preparation for, and throughout, each academic year.
Written Information Curriculum and other materials: how we guarantee that all students who are expected to gain information from written material receive it in a format that they can access. Learning materials are prepared in appropriate formats.
Signage: How we guarantee that written information in the physical environment (signs, menus, displays, descriptions, etc.,) are in a format, location, and position accessible to all students. All signs are appropriately placed and accessible to students.
Other Students with Physical Disabilities: how we ensure full access within our school environment. See comments for Physical Environment above.
Staff Training and Support: how we ensure that all staff are working towards guaranteeing full access and inclusion for our students and know what to do when they recognise weakness in our provision.
  1. Dissemination of information to all staff through meetings structures.
  2. Ongoing identification and meeting of training needs.

c.      Support from Somerset Advisory Services as required.

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The Sky Academy
Pickeridge Close
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The Sky Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590